Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19

As Christians we understand that God calls us to make disciples of all nations. We are people called to serve in different areas of the world. As a church we are proud to come along side our missionaries financially to help them fulfill the Great Commission.
Active Missionaries
Regalos de Amor
Regalos de Amor is an outreach ministry to the people of Mexico through sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ by:
- Preparing Shoeboxs ‘Gifts of Love’ for distribution in Dec.
- Teaching Bible studies/Youth & Adults
- Establishing community outreach
- Building relationships with government and local officials
- Establishing partnerships with local churches ministering to families in our Colonia (Valles de Paraiso)
- Ministering to families in ‘Colonias’ (neighborhoods) through park outreaches
- Facilitating short-term missions trip opportunities in Nuevo Laredo or nearby towns.
- Kent and Belen Albright, Spain
- Jay and Carmen Bentley Durango, Mexico
- Randy and Marcia Orban, USA
- Grace Academy of Kerrvile
- We also support other missionaries that serve in countries with restricted access